Q1. What made you want to join this company?
A1. I decided to join this company because I was interested in construction work and wanted to acquire Japanese technology.
Q2. What was your anxiety about going to Japan?
A2. I was a little worried because I didn't know what life was like in Japan.
Q3. How do you feel after working at MCC?
A3. The MCC buddies are very kind and always help me with what I don't understand. work is also very fun and rewarding.
Q4. Did you have any problems working in Japan?
A4. At the beginning, I had a hard time getting used to Japanese culture and customs. However, I was able to adjust to it immediately because the people around me kindly taught me.
Q5. Do you have a message for people like you who want to work for a Japanese company??
A5. Yes. Everyone feels uneasy for the first time. However, the company MCC has a very comfortable working environment. Moreover, everyone is very kind. Please challenge yourself at a Japanese company and build your career.
  • Number of employees to be hired
    A few people
  • Job type

    Engineer (a regular full-time position with the prospect of promotion)

  • Field

    Comprehensive engineering consultant

    Rivers, sediment control, sewerage, roads, bridges, urban and regional development, ports and airports, environment, ground analysis, telecommunication, information system planning, investigation, proposal and planning, design, construction management, maintenance and management, overseas projects

  • Qualifications

    University students (science) and graduate school students (science) who are graduating by the end of March 2021

  • Eligible university departments

    Civil engineering department/division, electrical engineering/information science department/division

  • Language requirements

    Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N4 or higher

  • Work location

    Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka or Fukuoka

  • Starting salary

    Graduate school graduates: 223,600 yen, University graduates: 215,100 yen
    (Includes 3,000 yen/month as allowance for qualification acquisition)

  • Pay raise

    Once a year

  • Allowances

    Full commuting costs, overtime payments, housing allowance (20,000 yen for metropolitan areas and 14,000 yen for other areas), legal qualifications allowance (35,000 yen for professional engineer qualification), etc.

  • Working hours

    Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00 (1 hour break, 35 hours a week)

  • Holidays

    Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3)

  • Paid leaves
    • ・Annual leave (12 days for the first year, 14 days for the second year, 20 days maximum, and can be carried over to the following year)
    • ・Summer leave: 5 days (June to September)
    • ・Refreshment leave: 5 days (every 5 years of service), etc.
  • Compensation, benefits and systems

    Flextime system, fixed work location scheme, various social insurance schemes (health insurance covered by Mitsui Health Insurance), property accumulation savings scheme, employee savings scheme, retirement allowance scheme, employee commendation scheme, in-house recreation event subsidy scheme, in-house club activity subsidy scheme, company trip subsidy scheme, etc.

  • Labor union

    Join upon recruitment

  • Education and training
    • ・OJT (for younger employees, and for the improvement of technical skills)
    • ・Participation in doctoral program (special entrance exam for working adults) (tuition will be subsidized)
    • ・Subsidy system for obtaining legal qualifications
    • ・Trainings for each rank
    • ・Research achievement presentations
    • ・Technical department training
    • ・Guidance for professional engineer exams, etc.
  • Training system

    Training for new recruits, training by rank, training for on-the-job training instructors, training to enhance human resources, and technical training for each department

  • Schools with recruitment records

    Aichi Institute of Technology, Akita University, Ibaraki University, Iwate University, Ehime University, Osaka University, Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka City University, Osaka Prefecture University, Okayama University, Kagoshima University, Kansai University, Kanto Gakuin University, Kitami Institute of Technology, Kyushu University, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kyushu Sangyo University, Kyoto University, Kyoto Prefecture University, Kinki University, Gifu University, Kumamoto University, Gunma University, Kochi University of Technology , Komazawa University, Saitama University, Saga University, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Shimane University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Shinshu University, Surugadai University, Chiba University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Chuo University, Chubu University, Tsukuba University, Tokai University, Tokyo University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo City University, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tohoku University, Tohoku Gakuin University, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Toyo University, Tottori University, Toyohashi University of Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagasaki University, Nagoya University, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Niigata University, Nihon University, Hiroshima University, Fukuoka University, Fukuyama University, Hosei University, Hokkaido University, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Miyazaki University, Meijo University, Meisei University, Yamaguchi University, Yamanashi University, Yokohama National University, Ritsumeikan University, Wakayama University, Waseda University

  • Selection process
    • (1) Please send the entry sheet (either in Japanese or English, with photo attached), academic transcript, and certificate of graduation/completion (prospective) to the e-mail address below.
    • (2) Screening of submitted materials: Results of the screening will be sent by e-mail.Those who pass the screening will be informed of the schedule of the first interview.
    • (3) First interview
    • (4) Second interview

    Number of days required until job offer: Approx. 1 month from the screening of submitted materials to job offer.

  • Interview location and schedule

    Location: Tokyo or video call
    Schedule: We will notify those who have passed the screening.

  • How to apply

    Please complete the entry sheet and apply. We will contact you after reviewing the submitted materials.

  • E-mail for inquiries/Send documents to

  • Number of employees to be hired

    A few people

  • Job type
    • ◆ Investigation, planning, design, and construction management related to construction (those with experience of the above)
    • ・In the fields of rivers, ports and harbors, coasts, fishing ports, roads, bridges, and information and communications
    • Please see our website for details of our business activities.
  • Field

    Consulting services for the development of economic infrastructure and social development overseas

  • Qualifications

    As a general rule, those who have construction related work experience in the past five years.

  • Language requirements

    Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2 or higher

  • Work location

    Tokyo and overseas

  • Starting salary

    Decision will be made according to our regulations

  • Pay raise

    Once a year

  • Bonuses

    Twice a year (August and December)

  • Allowances

    Full commuting costs, overtime payments, housing allowance, legal qualifications allowance, etc.

  • Working hours

    Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00 (1 hour break, 35 hours a week)

  • Holidays

    Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3)

  • Paid leaves

    Annual leave (12 days for the first year, 20 days maximum), Summer leave (5 days), etc.

  • Compensation, benefits and systems

    Various social insurance schemes (health insurance covered by Mitsui Health Insurance, part of the Mitsui Group), property accumulation savings scheme, employee savings scheme, retirement allowance scheme, etc.

  • Labor union

    Join upon recruitment

  • Training system

    Training for each rank, technical training for each department , etc.
    Subsidy system for obtaining legal qualifications

  • How to apply

    Please complete the entry sheet and apply. We will contact you after reviewing the submitted materials.

  • E-mail for inquiries/Send documents to

  • 採用予定人員
  • 職 種


    • ・河川、港湾、海岸、漁港、道路、橋梁、情報通信分野
  • 分 野
  • 対象者
  • 語 学
    TOEIC600 点以上または相当資格
  • 勤務予定地
  • 初任給
  • 昇 給
  • 賞 与
  • 手 当
    通勤費全額支給、時間外勤務手当、住宅費補助、法定資格手当 他
  • 勤務時間
    月曜日~金曜日 9時00分~17時00分(休憩1時間)時間差出勤制度有
  • 休 日
  • 休 暇
    年次有給休暇、初年度12日、最高20日、夏期休暇5日 他
  • 厚生制度等
    財形貯蓄制度、積立預金制度、退職金制度 他
  • 労働組合
  • 人材育成
  • How to apply

    Please complete the entry sheet and apply. We will contact you after reviewing the submitted materials.

  • E-mail for inquiries/Send documents to